Grain quality of spring wheat cultivated in monoculture depending on the conservation tillage variants and catch crops

Piotr Kraska
Katedra Ekologii Rolniczej, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie (Poland)


The studies were carried out in the years 2006–2008, using the experiment set up in 2005. The design of a static two-factor experiment, established using the split-plot method in four replications, included two tillage systems: plough tillage and conservation tillage performed using two methods — disk harrowing of the catch crops in autumn followed by leaving the catch crop biomass for winter as mulch, and disk harrowing in spring. Another experimental factor were four methods of regeneration of the monoculture stand of spring wheat by using the following catch crops: Trifolium pratense L. — undersown crop, Lolium multiflorum Lam. var. westerwoldicum Wittm. — undersown crop, Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. — stubble crop, Sinapis alba L. — stubble crop, as well as a control treatment without catch crops. In the spring wheat grain, total protein content, wet gluten content, dry gluten content and the gluten index were determined. Moreover, the alpha-amylase activity was determined using the falling number method. Total protein content was higher in grain produced by spring wheat plants grown in the plots with conservation tillage treatments using spring disking of the catch crops and in those with plough tillage treatment than in the plots with conservation tillage treatment including autumn disking of the catch crops. It was higher in grain obtained in the treatments comprising red clover and Westerwolds ryegrass undersown crops and in those with a stubble crop of lacy phacelia than in the control treatment. The lowest total protein content of grain was recorded for the treatment with the white mustard stubble crop. Test weight and wet gluten content gave higher values for grain produced in the plots with plough tillage than for grain produced at any of the conservation tillage treatments. Dry gluten content of grain obtained in the plots where plough tillage was applied was higher than that of grain produced using the conservation treatment including autumn disking of the catch crops. Gluten index values also depended on the tillage treatment and were lower for grain obtained at plough tillage than for grain produced using any of the conservation tillage treatments. The highest falling number was recorded with the conservation tillage treatment including spring disking of the catch crops. The content of wet or dry gluten appeared to be the lowest in grain obtained in the treatment with Westerwolds ryegrass, whereas the plots with lacy phacelia were characterized by the lowest gluten indices. The highest falling number was recorded with the treatments with red clover.


catch crop, falling number, gluten, spring wheat, tillage system, total protein

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Cited by

Kraska, P. (2010) “Grain quality of spring wheat cultivated in monoculture depending on the conservation tillage variants and catch crops”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (256), pp. 55–71. doi: 10.37317/biul-2010-0031.


Piotr Kraska
Katedra Ekologii Rolniczej, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie Poland


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