About the Journal

Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute

ISSN: 0373-7837
E-ISSN: 2657-8913


The journal "Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute" has been published by Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute in Radzików since 1951. Since 2016, it has been published semi-annually, and in 2019 the method of distribution of the journal was changed to an electronic version published in open access (Open Access Journal).

The journal works to support scientists, plant breeders, advisory services, activists of agricultural chambers, representatives of state and local government authorities, agricultural producers and producers' associations, producers and distributors of seed material, agricultural schoolteachers, science and breeding enthusiasts, as well as students interested in problems of agriculture and plant breeding.

Articles are published free of charge in Polish or English.

Published papers should contribute to the development of scientific knowledge concerning the discussed issue.

Aim and Scope

The Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute is an international journal publishing scientific articles in the field of knowledge about plants and plant production. The Bulletin of PBAI publishes peer-reviewed articles: original scientific papers, short communications and review papers, as well as, in the form of supplements - conference materials and other studies not subject to scientific review.

Published articles concern issues in the field of:

  • agronomy, included:
    • basics of productivity, including tolerance to environmental stresses (biotic and abiotic)
    • biochemistry and plant physiology
    • bioenergetics
    • collecting and protecting genetic resources
    • economics of agricultural production
    • genetics and plant breeding
    • methodology of natural sciences
    • phytopathology
    • plant protection
    • protection of biodiversity
    • seed science and seed technology


  • agricultural engineering
  • biotechnology
  • botany
  • cell biology
  • cytogenetics
  • environmental sciences
  • genomics
  • molecular biology
  • nutrition and food science

Types of articles

Detailed guidelines for authors can be found in the "For Authors" section.

Original scientific papers

Formal requirements - Preferred length of the manuscript: 5-16 pages (to about 6 000 words). Number of figures and tables - any number. Continuously numbered lines starting from the second page. Article structure:

  • First page - Authors' names and addresses. For the corresponding author, an e-mail address
  • Second page - Title in English and Polish; abstract in English and polish (up to 250 words in English); keywords in English and Polish (in alphabetical order).
  • Next pages - introduction; materials and methods (description of the methods should allow the experiment to be repeated; in the case of statistical evaluation of the results, data should come from at least 3 replicates/locations/vegetation seasons); results; discussion; conclusions; literature (up to about 60 items).

Short communications

The formal requirements for communications differ from those for original scientific articles:

  1. The length of the manuscript is limited to a maximum of 6 manuscript pages (approx. 3 000 words),
  2. Limiting the number of tables and figures to 2 pieces.
  3. Literature - no more than 30 items.

Review papers

Published review papers should reliably present the existing state of knowledge in a given field based on current literature. The publication should be based mainly on original publications, although it is acceptable to use other review publications or scientific books as sources, as well as previously unpublished authors' own data.

Review papers can be of any length; manuscripts up to 8 000 are preferred words (16 pages) and up to 100 references. The article should have an abstract in English and Polish, up to 250 words long in English, five keywords also in English and Polish (in alphabetic order). A review paper can contain any number of tables and figures.

Non-reviewed publications

The Bulletin of PBAI also publishes non-peer reviewed materials such as:

  • Letters to the editor,
  • Notes and memories,
  • Conference materials - in the form of a supplement.

Other information

List of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences

In accordance with the Announcement of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 5, 2024 on the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences („Wykaz czasopism naukowych i recenzowanych materiałów z konferencji międzynarodowych”) , the journal "Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute" of the PBAI-NRI Publishing House was ranked at position 29868 (Unique Journal Identifier 200086) and received 20 points for the disciplines: agriculture and horticulture, biotechnology, food and nutrition technology and life sciences.

Program "Support for scientific journals"

In 2019, pursuant to the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of September 20, 2018 on de minimis aid under the "Support for scientific journals" program (Journal of Laws, items 1832 and 2198), the journal "Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute” was covered by financing in accordance with contract No. 85/wcn/2019/1 of June 10, 2019.
The program assumed the implementation of solutions supporting the development of the publishing house and streamlining the publishing process through:

  • assigning digital identifiers of electronic documents (DOI - Digital Object Identifier) to articles;
  • implementation of software for managing editorial and publishing works;
  • modernization of the website;
  • checking the authenticity of articles using anti-plagiarism software;
  • training of editors;
  • introduction of verification and correction of scientific articles in the journal, including correction of the translation into foreign languages of these articles and their abstracts.