The influence of undersown crops on yield of table potato cultivated in integrated production system

Anna Płaza
Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach (Poland)


The paper presents results of studies carried out from 2006 to 2009 which aimed to determine the influence of undersown crops plowed down in the autumn or left till spring in the form of mulch on table potato yielding. The following treatments were examined: control object (without undersown crops fertilization), farmyard manure, serradella, westerwold ryegrass, serradella — mulch, westerwold ryegrass — mulch. The content of dry mass and macroelements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) were determined in undersown crops biomass. Table potatoes were grown directly after undersown crops fertilization. During potato harvest the yield of fresh tubers mass was determined and after that the marketable yield and the structure of tuber yield were determined. The obtained results allow to conclude that among undersown crops westerwold ryegrass gives the highest amount of dry mass in soil, and serradella the highest amount of macroelements. Serradella fertilization both left till spring in the form of mulch and plowed down fully replaced farmyard manure in potato cultivation. The highest shares of marketable and seed potato fractions, and the lowest share of small tubers was noted in combination fertilized with serradella in the form of mulch.


fertilization, mulch, potato, undersown crop, the structure of tuber yield, yield

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Cited by

Płaza, A. (2013) “The influence of undersown crops on yield of table potato cultivated in integrated production system ”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (267), pp. 79–86. doi: 10.37317/biul-2013-0052.


Anna Płaza
Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach Poland


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