Variability and interrelationship of some quantitative traits and total protein content in kernels of hybrids Aegilops juvenalis (Thell.) Eig. and Aegilops ventricosa Tausch. with tetraploid and hexaploid wheat Triticum L. cultivars
Roman Prażak
roman.prazak@up.lublin.plWydział Nauk Rolniczych w Zamościu, Akademia Rolnicza w Lublinie (Poland)
The investigation was undertaken to analyze the variability and interrelationships of some quantitative traits and total protein content in kernels of four F5–F9 lines derived from crosses between Aegilops juvenalis (Thell.) Eig. and Aegilops ventricosa Tausch. with Triticum durum Desf. cv. Grandur and Triticum aestivum L. (cvs. Arda, Begra, Panda, CZR 1406 line). The F5–F9 lines were compared with their parental wheat components — Arda, Begra, Panda cultivars and CZR 1406 line. The following characters were analyzed: productive shoots number, length of main shoot, diameter of the 2nd bottom internode, length of spike rachis, number of spikelets in main spike, main spike density, kernel number and weight per main spike, fertility of main spike and weight of 1000 kernels. In the first year’s number and weight of kernels per main spike, fertility and weight of 1000 kernels were significantly lower in the F5–F9 lines in comparison with the wheat cultivars. In the following years, as a result of the selection, height of the plants was decreased, but diameter of the 2nd bottom internode, the number and weight of kernels per main spike, fertility of main spike and weight of 1000 kernels increased. The productive shoot number, length of main shoot, diameter of the 2nd bottom internode, length of spike rachis, number of spikelets in main spike and main spike density in the F5–F9 lines and wheat’s were mostly similar. The values of variability coefficients for the analyzed traits were differentiated and varied from 2.0 to 65.4% in the hybrid lines and from 2.3 to 49.6% in the cultivars. Significant positive correlations were found for lines and cultivars between productive shoot number, length of main shoot, length of spike rachis and number of spikelets in main spike, kernel number and weight per main spike, fertility of main spike. Significant negative correlations were noted between the length of main shoot, and diameter of the 2nd bottom internode or weight of 1000 kernels and between length of spike rachis and spike density. The negative correlations between length of the main shoot and length of spike rachis as well as between spike density and kernel number and weight per main spike were specific for the F5–F9 lines only. The F5–F9 lines were characterized by higher total protein content in kernels (13.1–22.0%) than the wheat cultivars (12.8–15.9%).
Aegilops, Triticum, protein content, quantitative traitsReferences
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Roman Praż
Wydział Nauk Rolniczych w Zamościu, Akademia Rolnicza w Lublinie Poland
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