Prospects for development of different farming systems in Poland
Jan Kuś
iung@iung.pulawy.plZakład Systemów i Ekonomiki Produkcji Roślinnej, Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa — PIB, Puławy (Poland)
Jarosław Stalenga
Zakład Systemów i Ekonomiki Produkcji Roślinnej, Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa — PIB, Puławy (Poland)
In the paper development of different farming systems in Poland is discussed. In the second part of the 20th century, the conventional intensive agriculture dominated in most of developed countries. This system caused many negative consequences, i.e.: food overproduction, low food quality, natural environment deterioration and social problems on the rural areas. As alternatives, the organic and integrated systems appeared in recent years. These systems have rapidly spread world-wide, particularly in the European Union (EU). Large financial support for farmers and clear system of standards based on EU Regulation 2092/91, were the main stimuli for development of organic farming in Poland. In 2004, there has been 26.3 mln ha of organic farming area in the world. Australia with 11.3 mln ha had the highest share in this area. In Europe, Italy is the leading country with the biggest organic farming area (about 1 mln ha) and the highest number of organic farms. In Poland, in 2005, there were almost 7000 organic farms, and their area constituted about 1% of all agricultural area. However, the market of organic food is still at the beginning of its development. The integrated system in Poland has been developing intensively since 2004, thanks to first of all amend Law on Crop Protection and Regulation of Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development from 2004. Recently, this system is becoming very popular among farmers, because it creates better possibilities to sell the products. In 2005, in Poland, 7585 plantations with 22 different crops (mainly fruits and vegetables) were certified as integrated.
farming systems, organic farming, integrated systemReferences
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Jan Kuś
Zakład Systemów i Ekonomiki Produkcji Roślinnej, Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa — PIB, Puławy Poland
Jarosław StalengaZakład Systemów i Ekonomiki Produkcji Roślinnej, Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa — PIB, Puławy Poland
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