Modern phenotypes of cereals for growing in areas endangered with drought

Krystyna Rybka
Zakład Biochemii i Fizjologii Roślin, Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin IHAR — PIB, Radzików (Poland)

Zygmunt Nita

Hodowla Roślin Strzelce Sp. z o.o. Grupa IHAR (Poland)


The increasing food demand and economic conditions force constant increase of crop yield. Green revolution introduced dwarf forms and for five decades determined mechanisms of yield growth by increasing harvest index (HI) which, combined with advances in agricultural practices, resulted in wheat grain yield greater than 10 t/ha. The optimal HI level was reached (≈ 0.64 for wheat) thus exhausting yield potential related to this parameter. This initiated a search for new crop phenotypes which would guarantee continuing yield increase in the future decades in the prospect of increasing soil drought. In this article, the results of wheat ideotypes simulation generated by mechanistic Sirius model enhanced by evolutionary algorithm (GA-SA) and climate scenarios (HadCM3) are presented. They are discussed in the context of selection priorities in crop breeding in Poland. The biochemical and physiological factors determining plant drought resistance and efficient water use by cereal crops are also presented.

Supporting Agencies

The work was carried out as part of the NCN grant #304267540


breeding, phenomics, Triticum aestivum, wheat, yield

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Cited by

Rybka, K. and Nita, Z. (2014) “Modern phenotypes of cereals for growing in areas endangered with drought ”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (273), pp. 55–72. doi: 10.37317/biul-2014-0018.


Krystyna Rybka
Zakład Biochemii i Fizjologii Roślin, Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin IHAR — PIB, Radzików Poland


Zygmunt Nita 

Hodowla Roślin Strzelce Sp. z o.o. Grupa IHAR Poland


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