The application of orthogonal contrasts to determine homogeneous groups

Zbigniew Laudański

Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute — National Research Institute in Radzików, Poland (Poland)

Dariusz Mańkowski
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute (Poland)

Leszek Sieczko

Institute of Agriculture — Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland (Poland)

Monika Janaszek-Mańkowska

Institute of Mechanical Engineering — Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland (Poland)


The paper presents a modified approach to analysis of data obtained from experiments carried out according to classical factorial designs. Four examples were discussed in order to present details of proposed method. Modification of the analysis of variance presented here enables more effective use of information on how studied factors affect the means of dependent variable. The specificity of this approach is based on alternative multiple comparison procedure incorporating orthogonal contrasts to determine homogeneous groups.


experiment, data analysis, linear model, ANOVA, multiple comparisons, orthogonal contrasts

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Cited by

Laudański, Z., Mańkowski, D., Sieczko, L., & Janaszek-Mańkowska, M. (2021). The application of orthogonal contrasts to determine homogeneous groups. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 82, 31–44.


Zbigniew Laudański 

Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute — National Research Institute in Radzików, Poland Poland


Dariusz Mańkowski
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute Poland


Leszek Sieczko 

Institute of Agriculture — Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland Poland


Monika Janaszek-Mańkowska 

Institute of Mechanical Engineering — Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland Poland


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