Rheology - instrumentation and application to quality breeding of rye

G. Jansen

Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants, Institute for Stress Physiology and Quality of Raw Material, Rudolf-Schick-Platz 3, 18190 Groß Lüsewitz, Germany (Germany)

W. Flamme

Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants, Institute for Stress Physiology and Quality of Raw Material, Rudolf-Schick-Platz 3, 18190 Groß Lüsewitz, Germany (Germany)


It succeeded in developing a breeding relevant analytical tool for evaluation of meal and starch quality of single rye plants concerning their swelling, gelatinization and pasting characteristics. The pros and cons of well tried and new developed rheological devices and methods were examined closely.


enzymes, gelatinization, rye, viscosity



Cited by

Jansen, G., & Flamme, W. (2003). Rheology - instrumentation and application to quality breeding of rye. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 48, 123–126. Retrieved from https://ojs.ihar.edu.pl/index.php/pbss/article/view/730


G. Jansen 

Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants, Institute for Stress Physiology and Quality of Raw Material, Rudolf-Schick-Platz 3, 18190 Groß Lüsewitz, Germany Germany


W. Flamme 

Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants, Institute for Stress Physiology and Quality of Raw Material, Rudolf-Schick-Platz 3, 18190 Groß Lüsewitz, Germany Germany


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