Attempt to evaluate winter wheat cultivation technology on the basis of survey data from individual farms. Part I. Method of selection of cultivation technology

Zbigniew Laudański
Katedra Biometrii, Wydział Rolnictwa i Biologii, SGGW — Warszawa (Poland)

Dariusz R. Mańkowski

Pracownia Ekonomiki Nasiennictwa i Hodowli Roślin, Zakład Nasiennictwa i Nasionoznawstwa, IHAR — Radzików (Poland)

Leszek Sieczko

Katedra Biometrii, Wydział Rolnictwa i Biologii, SGGW — Warszawa (Pitcairn)


The survey results for private farms cultivating winter wheat within the years 1992–2003 were analyzed statistically. Each of the fields described in the survey was characterized by different environmental conditions (soil quality, pH of soil, forecrop) and different level of technological factors (fertilization, manure, chemical protection, sowing amount, sowing term and material). This made possible to consider each of the fields as a separated cultivation technology. Using the method of multidimensional factor analysis an attempt was undertaken to separate groups including similar technological methods. Then, the groups were characterized.


agricultural technology, cultivation technology, factor analysis, habitat, winter wheat

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Cited by

Laudański, Z., Mańkowski, D. R. and Sieczko, L. (2007) “Attempt to evaluate winter wheat cultivation technology on the basis of survey data from individual farms. Part I. Method of selection of cultivation technology ”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (244), pp. 33–43. doi: 10.37317/biul-2007-0043.


Zbigniew Laudański
Katedra Biometrii, Wydział Rolnictwa i Biologii, SGGW — Warszawa Poland


Dariusz R. Mańkowski 

Pracownia Ekonomiki Nasiennictwa i Hodowli Roślin, Zakład Nasiennictwa i Nasionoznawstwa, IHAR — Radzików Poland


Leszek Sieczko 

Katedra Biometrii, Wydział Rolnictwa i Biologii, SGGW — Warszawa Pitcairn


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