Statistical methods for data analysis in the complete classification Cultivar × Crop Management × Location × Year (G×M×L×Y) from PVTS
Wiesław Mądry
wieslaw_madry@sggw.ed.plKatedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa (Poland)
Adriana Derejko
Katedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa (Poland)
Postregistration Experiments are conducted since 1998 as part of the Post-registration Variety Testing System (PVTS). In this system series of varietal and varietal-agronomic experiments are performed. Experiments in PVTS represent the last stage in the implementation of biological progress to agricultural practice. PVTS is coordinated by the Research Centre for Cultivar Testing in terms of design and methodology. The implementation of a series of experiments in PVTS is held throughout the country in environments (Cultivar Testing Stations) representing well the spatial variability of agro-ecosystems in the major growing areas of the particular plant species in Poland. In this paper the theoretical basis is proposed, as well as classical, adapted and adequately developed statistical methods, i.e. the combined analysis of variance, multiple comparison, AMMI analysis and cluster analysis are presented. Moreover, the usefulness of these methods for analyzing the data in the complete classification of Cultivar × Crop Management × Location Year, coming from PVTS is presented.
mixed linear ANOVA model, combined analysis of variance, AMMI, cluster analysis, PVTSReferences
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Wiesław Mą
Katedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa Poland
Adriana DerejkoKatedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa Poland
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