The procedure of reviewing scientific articles in the journal Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute

The journal publishes peer-reviewed original scientific papers, short communications and review papers. The content published in the journals is prepared with all efforts to ensure a high substantive and editorial level.

  1. The review process begins when the manuscript with attachments and the authors' statement are submitted on the journal's OJS platform (
  2. Authors by submission:
    • undertake to comply with the Code of Ethics developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE);
    • agree to make the work available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license in open access, in whole or in any part, in the journal's OJS system, in the Institute's social media, in electronic databases for an indefinite period, in accordance with article 50 of the Copyright Act (Polish Journal of Laws 2022.2509).
  3. Submitted publications are subject to initial evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief and the Statistical Editor. If the article is inconsistent with the journal's profile or does not meet the requirements of the instructions for authors, it is returned to the Corresponding Author. If the manuscript has formal defects, the paper may be sent back to the authors with a request to correct them before the actual scientific review process begins.
  4. After qualifying the article as consistent with the profile of the journal, the Editor-in-Chief forwards the article to the Lead Editor.
  5. The Lead Editor selects two reviewers competent in a given field, and the selected Reviewers must guarantee independence of opinion and no conflict of interest, in particular:
    • direct personal relationships with the author,
    • professional subordination relationship with the author,
    • direct scientific cooperation with the author in the last 5 years.
  6. After the reviewers agree to accept the article for review, the editorial office sends the full text of the article to the reviewers along with the review form in force at the editorial office.
  7. The review procedure is confidential and anonymous (double-blind review). Reviewers' names are confidential. They may be declassified at the Author's request only with the consent of the Reviewers. Similarly – Reviewers do not know the data of the Authors of the work.
  8. Reviewers submit their review via a form in the journal's OJS system. The review must end with an unequivocal conclusion regarding the acceptance of the article for publication, its rejection or the necessity to introduce changes by the Authors.
  9. Authors are informed about the review results and receive them for review. The authors should refer to the reviewers' comments and return the corrected article within the deadline set by the Editorial Board.
  10. If the article, in the opinion of the Reviewers, required changes, the article corrected by the Authors is sent for re-review to the same Reviewers.
  11. The condition for qualifying an article for further stages of the publishing process is two positive reviews. In contentious cases, the Editorial Board appoints additional Reviewers or leaves the decision to the Editorial Board.
  12. All original scientific papers, short communications and review papers are subjected to anti-plagiarism check (Crossref Similarity Check) before being published on the journal's website.
  13. Once a year (usually in the last regular issue of the year), the Editorial Board publishes a list of Reviewers with whom it cooperated in a given year.