Ecological aspects of potato cultivation in Strzyżowsko-Dynowskie Foothills

Barbara Sawicka
Pracownia Towaroznawstwa Produktów Roślinnych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy, Lublin (Poland)

Barbara Krochmal-Marczak

Zakład Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, PWSZ, Krosno (Poland)


The analysis was based on field research conducted in 2007–2009, in Żyznów, District Strzyżów at a height of 387 m above the sea level. The experiment was conducted in a subsidiary arrangement, a split-split-plot in three replications. First-order factor was cultivars: Amerykany and Denar, second-order: planting dates (optimal, delayed), the third order: treatments (sprouting and non sprouting). The optimum planting date was April 17, while the delayed one meant 2 weeks after the first date. Seed material comprised of cultivar Denar Class C/A, and the cultivar Amerykany that was non-certified. The experiment used only organic fertilizers, in an amount of 25 t.ha-1, in the autumn. Agrotechnical treatments were conducted in accordance with the good agricultural practice. Delayed planting date proved to be especially detrimental to the cultivation of potato in Strzyżowsko-Dynowskie Foothills, resulting in a significant decrease in total and marketable yield, while the sprouting of tubers before planting neutralized this negative effect. The sprouting accelerated the emergence of plants for 12 days, moving the vegetation to an earlier period, allowing the "escape" before the potato blight, increased total and marketable yield and mitigating the negative effect of delayed planting. A very old cultivar of Amerykany, grown in the foothills conditions, proved to be significantly more productive and more responsive to agronomic factors than a contemporary cultivar Denar, and therefore deserves greater attention and may increase the biodiversity of cultivars available to organic cultivation system.


potato, cultivars, planting dates, germination, ecological system

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Cited by

Sawicka, B. and Krochmal-Marczak, B. (2011) “Ecological aspects of potato cultivation in Strzyżowsko-Dynowskie Foothills”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (259), pp. 229–242. doi: 10.37317/biul-2011-0072.


Barbara Sawicka
Pracownia Towaroznawstwa Produktów Roślinnych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy, Lublin Poland


Barbara Krochmal-Marczak 

Zakład Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, PWSZ, Krosno Poland


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