Evaluation of sprouting resistance and post-harvest grain dormancy of durum wheat
Romuald Doliński
romuald.dolinski@up.lublin.plInstytut Genetyki, Hodowli i Biotechnologii Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie (Poland)
Zbigniew Segit
Instytut Genetyki, Hodowli i Biotechnologii Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie (Poland)
Agnieszka Surmacz-Magdziak
Instytut Genetyki, Hodowli i Biotechnologii Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie (Poland)
The experimental material consisted of 32 lines of Triticum durum Desf. and one standard variety of Triticum aestivum L.. Ears harvested in the field were soaked in water (15 minutes) and placed in moist chamber. The resistance to sprouting was evaluated after 3 and 7 days. The ears were dried in dryer and threshed manually with separation of sprouted grains from those not sprouted. Simultaneously, the germination of grains was measured on a filter paper in Petri dishes. This evaluation was repeated after 4 and 8 weeks. Last time sprouting in 10-4 M solution of abscisic acid was carried out. Grain responsiveness to ABA was given in percentage as the quotient of the result of subtraction of average values of germination energy in water and ABA, and the value in water. Under the moist chamber conditions the standard of common wheat variety showed high resistance to sprouting. The results proved a high variability of durum wheat lines with regard to visible grain sprouting (W = 99% after 3 days and W = 50.7% at the second notice). The most resistant lines of T. durum sprouted on the level of standard T. aestivum variety (at the first time 13 lines, at the second time 1). Heritability coefficients in broad sense estimated for grain sprouting were very high (h2 = 0.93 and 0.92 – respectively for the 3 days and the 7 days results). The estimations of visible sprouting of moistened ears after 3 and 7 days were correlated with germination energy (rxy = 0.408 and 0.608) which were evaluated at the same time in Petri dishes. In majority of the studied lines of durum wheat the visible grain sprouting in ears was distinctly lower than germination ability determined in Petri dishes. In three lines sprouting in ear was higher than germination on a filter paper. The correlation coefficients between grain sprouting in ears and ABA responsiveness coefficients, assessed after post-harvest period, were in our study not significant.
Triticum durum Desf., lines, sprouting resistance, post-harvest seed dormancyReferences
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Romuald Dolińskiromuald.dolinski@up.lublin.pl
Instytut Genetyki, Hodowli i Biotechnologii Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie Poland
Zbigniew SegitInstytut Genetyki, Hodowli i Biotechnologii Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie Poland
Agnieszka Surmacz-MagdziakInstytut Genetyki, Hodowli i Biotechnologii Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie Poland
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