Relationship between seed yield and turf quality in Poa pratensis L.
Grzegorz Żurek
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute—National Research Institute, Radzików, 05–870 Błonie; (Poland)
Sławomir Prończuk
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute—National Research Institute, Radzików, 05–870 Błonie; (Poland)
Twenty seven entries (10 cultivars and 17 breeding strains) of smooth-stalked meadowgrass (Poa pratensis L.) were tested during 2002 – 2004 for seed yield and turf quality. Seed yield potential was estimated on the basis of: seed yield per plot, seed yield per panicle, seed heads per 1 m2, panicle length, 1000 seed weight, plant height, leaf width and heading time. Turf quality was estimated on the basis of: visual merit, shoot density, leaf fineness and colour. Tested entries were significantly different for all traits measured. No significant correlations were calculated for seed yield and any from turf quality traits. None of top quality turf varieties (BARCELONA, LIMUSINE and CONNI) yielded as high as the highest yielding entries (BALIN, BARON etc.)...
seed productivity, smooth-stalked meadowgrass, turf qualityAuthors
Grzegorz ŻurekPlant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute—National Research Institute, Radzików, 05–870 Błonie; Poland
Sławomir PrończukPlant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute—National Research Institute, Radzików, 05–870 Błonie; Poland
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