A new source of male sterility in rye (Secale cereale L.).

Roman Warzecha

Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute Radzików, Poland (Poland)

Krystyna Salak-Warzecha

Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute Radzików, Poland (Poland)


Pampa cytoplasm has served as the main source of male sterility in hybrid rye breeding programs in Europe for 30 years and there is a need of introducing new CMS sources to prevent cytoplasm uniformity. Several CMS sources were discovered and studied in the former Soviet Union. The CMS sources in rye can be classified into two major groups, the P (Pampa) type and the V (Vavilov) type. The main goal of this study was to widen the “sterile” cytoplasm as a tool for rye hybrid development. ‘Koerntner’ represent the same or similar source of male sterility like CMS ‘CM’ and CMS ‘V type’. This source is genetically different from the sources of male sterility ‘Pampa’ and ‘D. Zlote’-1. In F2 progenies develop by self-pollination F1 plants, of P.6.2-1 × line 113, segregation according to the ratio three male fertile plants to one male sterile, was observed. The segregation ratio in F2 indicate that one or two recessive gene(s) are being involved in the interaction with mutated (S) cytoplasm to cause male sterility.


male strility, new sources, rye, type P, type V



Cited by

Warzecha, R., & Salak-Warzecha, K. (2003). A new source of male sterility in rye (Secale cereale L.). Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 48, 61–65. Retrieved from http://ojs.ihar.edu.pl/index.php/pbss/article/view/721


Roman Warzecha 

Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute Radzików, Poland Poland


Krystyna Salak-Warzecha 

Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute Radzików, Poland Poland


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