Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) - spectroscopy, colour measurement and single kernel haracterization in rye breeding

W. Flamme

Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants, Institute for Stress Physiology and Quality of Raw Material, Rudolf-Schick-Platz 3, 18190 Groß Lüsewitz, Germany (Germany)

G. Jansen

Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants, Institute for Stress Physiology and Quality of Raw Material, Rudolf-Schick-Platz 3, 18190 Groß Lüsewitz, Germany (Germany)

H.-U. Jürgens

Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants, Institute for Stress Physiology and Quality of Raw Material, Rudolf-Schick-Platz 3, 18190 Groß Lüsewitz, Germany (Germany)


Breeding relevant methods were developed or adapted for a comprehensive characterization of rye quality. In addition to classical chemical methods, necessary for calibration of NIR-spectrometer, a single kernel characterization system (SKCS) and a colour measuring instrument was used. NIR calibrations are calculated for yield, weight, size, shape and hardness (toughness) of rye grains, composition (protein, starch and arabinoxylans), colour and sprouting parameters.


arabinoxylan, NIR, protein, rye, sprouting, starch, yield



Cited by

Flamme, W., Jansen, G. ., & Jürgens, H.-U. (2003). Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) - spectroscopy, colour measurement and single kernel haracterization in rye breeding. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 48, 107–111. Retrieved from


W. Flamme 

Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants, Institute for Stress Physiology and Quality of Raw Material, Rudolf-Schick-Platz 3, 18190 Groß Lüsewitz, Germany Germany


G. Jansen 

Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants, Institute for Stress Physiology and Quality of Raw Material, Rudolf-Schick-Platz 3, 18190 Groß Lüsewitz, Germany Germany


H.-U. Jürgens 

Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants, Institute for Stress Physiology and Quality of Raw Material, Rudolf-Schick-Platz 3, 18190 Groß Lüsewitz, Germany Germany


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