The examination of distinctness, uniformity and stability of rye varieties in Poland.
Julia Borys
The Research Centre for Cultivar Testing, 63-022 Slupia Wielka, Poland (Poland)
Hanna Grzesiek
The Research Centre for Cultivar Testing, 63-022 Slupia Wielka, Poland (Poland)
Joanna Waszak
The Experimental Station for Cultivar Testing, 63-022 Slupia Wielka, Poland (Poland)
In addition the rye variety is included into the Register of Cultivars on condition of satisfactory economic value (value for cultivation and use or VCU). Entry of the variety into the Register of Cultivars is rye variety seed marketing requirement. In Poland the administration of the statutory variety examination (DUS and VCU tests) and the maintenance of the Register of Cultivars and the Register of Plant Breeder’s Rights are provided by the Research Centre for Cultivar Testing (COBORU) located at Slupia Wielka. The organization and procedure of the examination of DUS of rye varieties for Polish requirements are outlined. Every rye variety must pass the examination of Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS testing) before entry into the Register of Cultivars (National List) and/or granting of Plant Breeder’s Rights (PBR).
variety testing, ryeAuthors
Julia BorysThe Research Centre for Cultivar Testing, 63-022 Slupia Wielka, Poland Poland
Hanna GrzesiekThe Research Centre for Cultivar Testing, 63-022 Slupia Wielka, Poland Poland
Joanna WaszakThe Experimental Station for Cultivar Testing, 63-022 Slupia Wielka, Poland Poland
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