Inheritance of some morphological traits and yield components in induced mutants of winter wheat variety Flevina.
Helena Grzesik
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute. Department of Cereals, Kraków, Poland. (Poland)
Previously (Grzesik 1980) a number of induced mutants with shortened culm increased loging resistance and changed shape of ear and leaves were obtained from winter wheat var. Flevina. Two of the obtained mutants were crossed with the initial variety to study the mode of inheritance of the mutated traits such as culm length, ear length, grain weight per ear and boat-like leaf shape. The hybrids were sown in experiment with six basic generations: P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1, BC2. The mode of inheritance of the above traits proved to be very complex. Both additive and nonadditive effects of gene action played a significant role. Basing on genetic analysis it can be concluded that a boat-like shape of leaves is determined by two complementary recessive genes.
winter wheat, mutants, inheritance, gene effectsAuthors
Helena GrzesikPlant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute. Department of Cereals, Kraków, Poland. Poland
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