N. Kryszak
Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants; Wojska Polskiego 71B, 60630 Poznań (Poland)
M. Chudy
magdalena.chudy@iwnirz.plInstitute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants; Wojska Polskiego 71B, 60630 Poznań (Poland)
W. Konczewicz
Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants; Wojska Polskiego 71B, 60630 Poznań (Poland)
B. Romanowska
Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants; Wojska Polskiego 71B, 60630 Poznań (Poland)
G. Oleszak
Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants; Wojska Polskiego 71B, 60630 Poznań (Poland)
Relationship between genotypes represented by two fibrous hemp varieties and some agrotechnical factors was investigated in the study. The aim of it was finding how selected factors (three sowing dates, two sowing densities and five harvest dates) influence on total fiber content using osmotic degumming of fibrous plants method for fiber content determination. Results showed 34% higher fiber content for Beniko in comparison to Tygra. It was also shown that fiber content in plants was stronger correlated with harvest date than date of sowing and its density.
Cannabis sativa L., fiber content, fineness determination, harvest time, sowing time, sowing densityReferences
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N. KryszakInstitute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants; Wojska Polskiego 71B, 60630 Poznań Poland
Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants; Wojska Polskiego 71B, 60630 Poznań Poland
W. KonczewiczInstitute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants; Wojska Polskiego 71B, 60630 Poznań Poland
B. RomanowskaInstitute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants; Wojska Polskiego 71B, 60630 Poznań Poland
G. OleszakInstitute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants; Wojska Polskiego 71B, 60630 Poznań Poland
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