Meadow plant litter species diversity – impact on organic matter accumulation.

M. Szanser
Centre of Ecological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Konopnickiej str. 1, 05-092 Lomianki, Poland (Poland)

E. Górska

SGGW, Faculty of Agriculture and Biology, Department of the Biology of Microorganiams, Warsaw Agricultural University, 159, Nowoursynowska St, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland (Poland)

M. Kisiel

Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland)

A. Kusińska

1 Warsaw University of Life Sciences; 2 Institute of Civil Engineering, Warsaw University of Tecbnology (Poland)

S. Russel

1 Warsaw University of Life Sciences; 2 The Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Farming (Poland)

D. Sieminiak

Institute of Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)

D. Wojewoda

Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland)


We evaluated the effect of plant litter species diversity on the on humus accumulation in the underlying substratum and on soil microbial communities composition in experimental field study.. Sandy loam (sand mixed with loam) mesocosms of were examined over the course of 2.5 years. Plots contained simplified substratum –. Five litters composed of meadow plants; both grasses and herbs (weed species) were used. Litters were composed of single species (I - Dactylis glomerata, II - Festuca rubra and III - Trifolium pratense) or were species mixtures IV (mixture of 3 species I, II and III); V (mixture of 12 species - IV and 9 other grasses and meadow weeds). Results baased mainly on the last year of the experiment show that most of the differences among treatments found in the substratum below the litter cover resulted from the litter diversity. Soil respiration, microbial biomass and numbers of fungi and bacteria did not differentiate between mono- and multispecies treatments. Despite of that the soil respiration and algal biomass were significantly correlated during the study period. The biomass of algae as well as carbon and nitrogen increases in the substratum, depended on the litter diversity and were higher when litter composition was more complicated. In general, our results suggest that algae may participate in the process of humus formation...


algae, microorganisms, carbon, nitrogen, humus, litter



Cited by

Szanser, M. ., Górska, E., Kisiel, M., Kusińska, A., Russel, S., Sieminiak, D. ., & Wojewoda, D. (2010). Meadow plant litter species diversity – impact on organic matter accumulation. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 61, 47–54. Retrieved from


M. Szanser
Centre of Ecological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Konopnickiej str. 1, 05-092 Lomianki, Poland Poland


E. Górska 

SGGW, Faculty of Agriculture and Biology, Department of the Biology of Microorganiams, Warsaw Agricultural University, 159, Nowoursynowska St, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland Poland


M. Kisiel 

Warsaw University of Life Sciences Poland


A. Kusińska 

1 Warsaw University of Life Sciences; 2 Institute of Civil Engineering, Warsaw University of Tecbnology Poland


S. Russel 

1 Warsaw University of Life Sciences; 2 The Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Farming Poland


D. Sieminiak 

Institute of Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland


D. Wojewoda 

Warsaw University of Life Sciences Poland


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