Krzysztof Treder
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Department of Potato Protection and Seed Science, Bonin 3, 76-009 Bonin (Poland)
Bogumiła Zacharzewska
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Department of Potato Protection and Seed Science, Bonin 3, 76-009 Bonin (Poland)
Agnieszka Przewodowska
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Department of Potato Protection and Seed Science, Bonin 3, 76-009 Bonin (Poland)
Włodzimierz Przewodowski
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Department of Potato Protection and Seed Science, Bonin 3, 76-009 Bonin (Poland)
Katarzyna Otulak
Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Faculty of Agriculture and Biology, Dept. of Botany, Nowoursynowska ST 159, 02-776 Warsaw (Poland)
Procedures of separation of virus particles from a plant material are multistage. Furthermore often they are difficult in terms of methodology and require use of expensive, highly specialist equipment and yield of separation is often low. The antigen obtained is often degraded and contains admixtures of other proteins. Therefore, generation of high quality and specificity antibodies based on such antigen is very difficult and quality of the antibodies has impact on reliability, sensitivity and unambiguity of results of immunodiagnostic tests (e.g. ELISA) that are currently conventionally used to detect vegetable viruses. In this study three conventionallyperformed methods of separation of potato virus Y (PVY) were compared and a method of separation based on membrane chromatography, as an alternative separation technique, has been presented. It has been demonstrated that in proper process conditions good quality virus preparation can be obtained.
Słowa kluczowe:
antigen, membrane techniques, immunodetection, virus purificationBibliografia
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Krzysztof TrederPlant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Department of Potato Protection and Seed Science, Bonin 3, 76-009 Bonin Poland
Bogumiła ZacharzewskaPlant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Department of Potato Protection and Seed Science, Bonin 3, 76-009 Bonin Poland
Agnieszka PrzewodowskaPlant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Department of Potato Protection and Seed Science, Bonin 3, 76-009 Bonin Poland
Włodzimierz PrzewodowskiPlant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Department of Potato Protection and Seed Science, Bonin 3, 76-009 Bonin Poland
Katarzyna OtulakWarsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Faculty of Agriculture and Biology, Dept. of Botany, Nowoursynowska ST 159, 02-776 Warsaw Poland
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