Medicinal plants in segetal communities*of the Kałuszyńska Upland.

Teresa Skrajna
University of Podlasie in Siedlce Agricultural Ecology Department (Poland)


The herbal flora of agrocenoses of the Kałuszyńska Upland includes 137 vascular plant species. Apophytes (91species – 66.4%) prevail over anthropophytes (46 species – 33.6 %). Meadow (32 species), waterside (20 species ) and forest apophytes (17 species) were the most numerous. Short-lived plants (71 species) prevail over perennials (66 species) in the analysed flora. Therophytes (65 species) and hemicryptophytes (48 species) were the dominant life forms. Very rare, rare and quite rare species were the most frequent in the flora of the Kałuszyńska Upland. They build up over 63% of the total number of species. The share of common and very common species was about 8%. Some of them, e.g, Equisetum arvense, Chenopodium album, Viola arvensis, Anthemis arvensis, Centaurea cyanus, Cirsium arvense, Elymus repens Convolvulus arvensis, Capsella bursa-pastoris and Stellaria media were noted with a_high ground cover. The occurrence of species rare in the region and in Poland among recorded medicinal plants, e.g., Camelina microcarpa sp. sylvestris, Hypericum humifusum, Consolida regalis, Asperugo procumbens and Herniaria glabra is especially noteworthy...

Słowa kluczowe:

herbs, resources, segetal flora, Kałuszyn Upland


Cited By / Share

Skrajna, T. (2010). Medicinal plants in segetal communities*of the Kałuszyńska Upland. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 61, 105–114. Pobrano z


Teresa Skrajna
University of Podlasie in Siedlce Agricultural Ecology Department Poland


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