Effect of physical and chemical properties of triticale grain on its milling value.
Zygmunt Gil
Department of Cereal Technology, Agricultural University of Wrocław, Norwida 25, 50-375 Wrocław, Poland (Poland)
Interrelationship between physical and chemical properties and milling value of spring and winter triticale grain was examined. Correlation coefficients were calculated on the basis of laboratory tests carried out on qualitatively differentiated material collected in 1995-1998. Physical and chemical properties of spring and winter triticale grain correlated first of all with the yield of middlings, as well as with the reduction and total flour yields in laboratory milling. Triticale grain of high 1000 grain weight, high vitreosity, high HL-weight and of over 2.8 mm thickness was characterized by good milling value. The content of total protein in winter triticale grain was correlated positively with reduction, flour yield but negatively with breaking flour yield. Worse results of milling, expressed by raised ash content of flour and lower milling effectiveness index, were obtained with the grain containing more protein and mineral components.
Słowa kluczowe:
triticale, grain, milling valueAutorzy
Zygmunt GilDepartment of Cereal Technology, Agricultural University of Wrocław, Norwida 25, 50-375 Wrocław, Poland Poland
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