Influence of biostimulant Asahi SL on phytotoxicity effect of metribuzin used in potato cultivation - Short communication

Janusz Urbanowicz
Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin — PIB w Radzikowie, Zakład Nasiennictwa i Ochrony Ziemniaka w Boninie (Poland)


In the glasshouses experiments (3 series) the influence of biostimulant Asahi SL on minimalizing of phytotoxicity effect of metribuzin used in 5 potato cultivars (Satina, Lord, Denar, Molli and Sonda) was studied. Metribuzin was applied after emergence of potato plants (10-15 cm high). Biostimulant Asahi SL was applied twice, 7 and 14 days after metribuzin treatment. Among 5 tested cultivars, only Sonda and Molli were sensitive to metribuzin. The same cultivars (Sonda and Molli) exhibited positive influence of Asahi SL on minimalizing phytotoxicity effect.


biostimulator Asahi SL, cultivar, metribuzin, phytotoxicity, potato

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Cited by

Urbanowicz, J. (2012) “Influence of biostimulant Asahi SL on phytotoxicity effect of metribuzin used in potato cultivation - Short communication”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (265), pp. 109–113. doi: 10.37317/biul-2012-0044.


Janusz Urbanowicz
Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin — PIB w Radzikowie, Zakład Nasiennictwa i Ochrony Ziemniaka w Boninie Poland


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