Dorota Sołtys-Kalina
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute – National Research Institute Młochów Research Center, 05-831 Młochów, Platanowa Str., 19, Poland (Poland)


In the laboratory studies on allelopathy, phytotoxicity is defined as a negative impact of plant’s extracts or natural compounds derived from plants, on germination and/or growth of the tested (acceptor) plant. Glycoal-kaloids are the main biologically active compounds of the potato and are involved in potato phytotoxicity (the correlation coefficient of the length of the test plant with the concentration of total glycoalkaloids present in the leaf extracts of forty potato genotypes was r = -0.41). The assessment of phytotoxic abilities of the potato is a two-step procedure which consists of determining glycoalkaloids in potato leaf extracts and analyzing the root and hypocotyl lengths of the test plant growing in potato leaf extracts.


allelopathy, glycoalkaloids (TGA), leaf extracts, mustard, test plant

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Cited by

Sołtys-Kalina, D. (2017). ASSESSMENT OF PHYTOTOXIC POTENTIAL OF POTATO GENOTYPES. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 75, 17–22. Retrieved from


Dorota Sołtys-Kalina
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute – National Research Institute Młochów Research Center, 05-831 Młochów, Platanowa Str., 19, Poland Poland


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