The effect of biostimulators on the yield and quality of potato tubers grown in drought and high temperature conditions

Cezary Trawczyński
Zakład Agronomii Ziemniaka, Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Oddział w Jadwisinie, (Poland)


In the years 2018 – 2019, field trials were carried out on light soil on the effect of foliar fertilization of potato plants with biostimulators: Krzemian (silicon preparation), Naturamin Plus and Naturamin WSP (amino acid preparations) with regard to the yield and quality of potato tubers. Each year, two foliar fertilization treatments were carried in BBCH 19 and 39 phases - Naturamin Plus and Naturamin WSP preparations, and 39 and 70 – silicate preparation. The control was without foliar fertilization, water being used instead. The soil was amended each year by incorporating through ploughing, straw from winter triticale and green intercrop from white mustard, while mineral fertilization was applied in the following doses: 100 kg·ha-1 N, 26.2 kg·ha-1 P and 99.6 kg·ha-1 K. Under the influence of the preparations used in the studies, a similar increase in tuber yield was obtained, higher by 17.3% compared to the control. A greater increase in tuber yield under the influence of preparations was obtained in the year of 2018, with less rainfall deficiency and higher air temperature than in the year of 2019. Under the influence of the preparations used, a significant increase in the content of starch, dry matter and vitamin C in tubers was obtained, but the preparation of Krzemian caused a decrease in the level of nitrates (V) in tubers, compared to the control.


biostimulators, quality of tubers, yield, weather conditions, potato

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Cited by

Trawczyński, C. (2020) “The effect of biostimulators on the yield and quality of potato tubers grown in drought and high temperature conditions”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (289), pp. 11–19. doi: 10.37317/biul-2020-0017.


Cezary Trawczyński
Zakład Agronomii Ziemniaka, Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Oddział w Jadwisinie, Poland


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