Krzysztof Treder Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute, Bonin Research Center, Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostic and Biochemistry;76-009 Bonin, Poland (Poland)
Joanna Chołuj
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute, Bonin Research Center, Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostic and Biochemistry;76-009 Bonin, Poland (Poland)
Bogumiła Zacharzewska
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute, Bonin Research Center, Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostic and Biochemistry;76-009 Bonin, Poland (Poland)
Mateusz Mielczarek
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute, Bonin Research Center, Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostic and Biochemistry;76-009 Bonin, Poland (Poland)
Potato virus Y (PVY), a type member of the genus Potyvirus (family Potyviridae), is currently the most important virus infecting the potato crop. PVY is also a dangerous pathogen of the tomato, pepper, and tobac-co. The reverse transcription loop-mediated amplification (RT-LAMP) is gaining recognition as a good alter-native to RT-PCR in diagnosing plant viruses. Here, we provide a detailed description of a simple protocol for fast and sensitive detection of PVY by the RT-LAMP assay, which can be easily adapted to detect other plant pathogens, harboring both RNA and DNA genomes.
detection, plant pathogen, RT-LAMPReferences
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Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute, Bonin Research Center, Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostic and Biochemistry;76-009 Bonin, Poland Poland
Joanna ChołujPlant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute, Bonin Research Center, Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostic and Biochemistry;76-009 Bonin, Poland Poland
Bogumiła ZacharzewskaPlant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute, Bonin Research Center, Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostic and Biochemistry;76-009 Bonin, Poland Poland
Mateusz MielczarekPlant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute, Bonin Research Center, Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostic and Biochemistry;76-009 Bonin, Poland Poland
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