Descriptors of characterization and evaluation in International Flax Database
Grażyna Silska
sekretariat@iwnirz.plInstytut Włókien Naturalnych i Roślin Zielarskich w Poznaniu (Poland)
Marcin Praczyk
Instytut Włókien Naturalnych i Roślin Zielarskich w Poznaniu (Poland)
Development of the International Flax Database (International Flax Database — IFDB), based on the descriptors adopted by the European Cooperation Programme (European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks — ECP / GR) for Plant Genetic Resources for Textile Crops Working Group, allows easier and faster analysis of morphological, biological and agricultural genotypes of the genus Linum (flax). Breeders will be able to choose the most suitable hybrid components as the biological characteristics such as resistance to lodging and resistance to Fusarium (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lini) or morphological, for example: 1000 seed weight, stem length become available. Data on genotypes of flax is to be encrypted with a single digit on a scale of 0 to 9. As a part of the project, the passport part of the International Flax Database for collection of flax gathered in Poland was prepared. The present collection includes 827 genotypes of the Linum L. genus, including 815 accessions of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and 12 species of flax growing in a natural state. Execution of passport IFDB allows the elimination of unnecessary duplicates simultaneously by several countries, which will reduce costs. The aim of this study was to present descriptors for characterization and evaluation of Linum and comparing previously used methods of valuation with the descriptors that are scheduled for the development of the International Flax Database, within the European Cooperation in the field plant Genetic Resources for Textile Crops Working Group. The paper shows the 27 descriptors including 17 morphological (Table 1), four biological (Table 2) and six agronomic (Table 3). We presented also the encrypted data with the biological characteristics of nine genotypes of Linum usitatissimum L., which were tested in a field experiment in 2012 at the Experimental INF&MP in Pętkowo (Table 4) and prepared for the International Flax Database.
descriptors, International Flax Database, collection, flaxReferences
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Instytut Włókien Naturalnych i Roślin Zielarskich w Poznaniu Poland
Marcin PraczykInstytut Włókien Naturalnych i Roślin Zielarskich w Poznaniu Poland
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