The tolerance of selected Triticum durum Desf. lines to toxic effects of aluminum ions
Jan Masłowski
jan.maslowski@up.lublin.plInstytut Genetyki, Hodowli i Biotechnologii Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie (Poland)
Zbicniew Segit
Instytut Genetyki, Hodowli i Biotechnologii Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie (Poland)
The study material consisted of 12 Triticum durum lines and one common wheat cultivar Parabola. Brazilian cultivar BH 1146 was used as a standard. In laboratory tests the aluminum stress method in water cultures was applied. Four-day seedlings were exposed to the influence of aluminum in standard medium of pH 4.0 at concentrations of 148, 296, and 444 µM for 24 hrs at 25°C. The examined T. durum lines significantly differed in the length of offshoots and the weight of roots. All the lines showed considerably lower tolerance towards aluminum as compared to cv. Parabola. A level of tolerance of BH 1146 to all aluminum concentrations applied reached 100%. The concentration of 148 µM was found to be tolerance threshold for four durum wheat lines. Two lines manifested the tolerance to aluminum at concentration as high as 444 µM.
Triticum durum, aluminum toxicity, toleranceReferences
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Jan Masł
Instytut Genetyki, Hodowli i Biotechnologii Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie Poland
Zbicniew SegitInstytut Genetyki, Hodowli i Biotechnologii Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie Poland
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