A choice of the mathematical model for the relationship between heterosis effect of F1 hybrids and genetic distance of rye and triticale parental lines

Agnieszka Tomkowiak

Katedra Genetyki i Hodowli Roślin, Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu (Poland)

Zbigniew Broda

Katedra Genetyki i Hodowli Roślin, Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu (Poland)

Krzysztof Moliński

Katedra Metod Matematycznych i Statystycznych, Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu (Poland)


The object at the work were rye and triticale hybrids and their parental components. The main goal of the research was to determine, using mathematical models, the relationship between the heterosis effect of F1 rye and triticale hybrids and genetic distance parental lines. Both for RAPD and AFLP markers, the best function to describes\ the relationship between the heterosis effect and genetic distance were: cubic polynomial y = a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3 and a linear function y = a + bx. In the last decade, may did affords to conclude on the heterosis effect by examining the genetic distance between the parental lines. Selection on the basis of molecular indicators was developed in order to avoid problems related to the traditional farming, and to allow the change from phenotype selection to direct selection of genes. Molecular indicators are detectable in all phases of the plant life and these are not affected by the environment and conditions of plant growth. The usefulness of a certain indicator depends on its ability to reveal polymorphisms in the nucleotide sequence, which makes possible to distinguish between allelic forms. Successful utilization of the molecular indicators depends on: availability of the genetic map containing molecular indicators coupled with genes, close relationships between indicators and genes and their common separation and grouping, appropriate recombination between indicators of a certain feature and the rest of the genome, possibility of analysis of a large number of organisms and consideration of time and cost of the whole project.


heterosis, genetic distance, mathematical models, rye, triticale

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Cited by

Tomkowiak, A., Broda, Z. and Moliński, K. (2008) “A choice of the mathematical model for the relationship between heterosis effect of F1 hybrids and genetic distance of rye and triticale parental lines”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (250), pp. 161–176. doi: 10.37317/biul-2008-0014.


Agnieszka Tomkowiak 
Katedra Genetyki i Hodowli Roślin, Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu Poland


Zbigniew Broda 

Katedra Genetyki i Hodowli Roślin, Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu Poland


Krzysztof Moliński 

Katedra Metod Matematycznych i Statystycznych, Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu Poland


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