The influence of some herbicides on grain yield and yield components of some cereals

Krzysztof Klimont
Krajowe Centrum Zasobów Genowych, Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin, Radzików (Poland)


The influence of three herbicides: Aminopielik D (3l/ha), Chwastox D (3l/ha in barley and triticale; 5 l/ha winter and spring wheat) and Granstar 75 DF (30 g/ha) on yield and some morphological traits of four cereals: winter wheat cv. Elena, spring wheat cv. Torka, spring barley cv. Rataj, spring triticale cv. Wanad was studied in field trials in the years 1997–1998. The experiments were conducted on degraded chernozem classified as a very good wheat soil type, using the complete randomized blocks design with four replicates. All the applied herbicides limited weed growth in all the studied cereals, which resulted in higher number of earing stems and higher yields in relation to the control objects. The highest advantages were noted when Granstar 75 DF was applied on winter wheat, spring wheat and triticale: the yields increased to 5.27, 4.64 and 5.26 t/ha respectively. Application of Aminopielk D in winter wheat gave an increase of 5.02t/ha, in triticale 5.01 t/ha and Chwastox D in spring wheat produced a surplus of 4.53 t/ha. The respective yields of controls amounted 4.65, 3.97 and 4.66 t/ha. In the case of barley, the highest yield was achieved when Chwastox D was used. All the herbicides reduced height of earing stems in all the cereals, except for Granstar 75 DF in spring wheat and Chwastox D in barley and influenced positively ear length (except for Aminopielik D in spring barley), number of kernels per ear and thousand kernels weight.


grain, herbicides, spring barley, spring wheat, spring triticale, winter wheat

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Cited by

Klimont, K. (2007) “The influence of some herbicides on grain yield and yield components of some cereals”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (243), pp. 69–81. doi: 10.37317/biul-2007-0072.


Krzysztof Klimont
Krajowe Centrum Zasobów Genowych, Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin, Radzików Poland


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