The influence of utilization intensity on the coverage rate of newly sown grassland
Jacek Sikora Łąkarstwa, Akademia Techniczno-Rolnicza w Bydgoszczy (Poland)
The aim of the research was an evaluation of sward thickness of renewed grassland sown with grass-clover mixtures which, according to the methodology, were utilized in a 4 cut and 6 cut manner. The field research was conducted in the Notec (village Nowe Dąbie) in the years 1999–2001. The experimental field was established on a degenerated pasture on the low quality soil. In the sowing mixtures, the dominant species (30%) constituted different cultivars of meadow fescue: Skra, Pasja, Justa (model strain), BAH 197 as well as orchard grass cultivars: Amera or Astera. The remaining components of the mixture were the cultivars of the following species: timothy grass — Kaba (10%), perennial ryegrass — Argona (10%), red fescue — Atra (15%), white clover —Rawo (20%), red clover — Karo (15%). The thickness of the sward of the renewed grassland was significantly determined by the intensity of utilization. Areas with mixtures cut more often (6 times) formed better swards than those with mixtures cut 4 times. The three year utilization period caused the orchard grass mixture sward to be looser in comparison with the meadow fescue mixture sward.
botanical composition, meadow fescue, mixtures, orchard grass, sward thickness, utilizationReferences
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Katedra Łąkarstwa, Akademia Techniczno-Rolnicza w Bydgoszczy Poland
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