Studies on the acclimatization of Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden and its use as a fodder plant

Regina Lutyńska

Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin, Zakład Roślin Pastewnych - Kraków (Poland)


The seed of Heracleum sosnowskyi germinate in spring after having gone a stratification process (during wintertime).
The growth of seedlings may be hampered by too deep sowing or by crust formation of the soil surface. The weedery of the plantation may often held down the plant growth especially during leavrosett formation time (April - May). At first, the growth of Heracleum is slow but from the middle of summer is intensive.
In the first year of the vegetation only one cutting is obtainable, which is performed at the end of September. The yield of fresh matter amounts to 24-80 tons per hectare, which corresponds 3-9,2 tons of dry matter.
The influorescence formation develops mostly in the second year, but also in the third or even la ter. This happens at the middle of June and indicates the optimal time for the first cutting during the second and the following years of vegetation. The second cutting is done at the end of September.
In the second year of cultivation the experiment plot yielded 190-277 tons of fresh matter per hectare (two crops together), which corresponds to 26-31 tons of dry matter. The large plantation delivered 88-145 tons or 10-17 tons respectively. The lower yield on large plantation was caused mainly by a too low seedlings rate and delayted time of weeding.
During 6 years of exploatation of Heracleum plantation on brown soil, at an unchanged level of NPK fertilization and soil acidity of pH 5,7 - pH 6,7, it was found out that the level of Mg remained stable, the levels of P and K as well as microelements showed slight variations. It was confirmed that the low biological activity of the soil observed in the first 4 years of cultivation, increased afterwards.
The green for age made of Heracleum sosnowskyi plants contain on, the average 12% dry matter. In 1 kg of dry matter there is: 180 g crude raw protein, 38,5 g crude fat, 174 g crude fiber, 467 g extractable non-nitrogenous compounds, 24 g Ca, 3,4 g P and 8 g Mg.
The green fodder can be unsed silaged separately or as a component added to not easily ensilaging materials, including cereal straw.
The silage shows on the average 14,7% of dry matter. In 1 kg of dry matter of silage it can be found out: 140 g crude raw protein, 60 g crude fat, 180 g crude fiber, 457 g extractable non nitrogenous compounds, 15 g Ca, 4 g P and 4 g Mg.
Foods made of Heracleum sosnowskyi are willingly accepted by cattle and sheep. Percentage digestibility of the organic matter of green fodder and silage is high and is superior to other fresh and ensiled food.
In 1 kg of dry matter of green crops there is on the average 6,90 MJ (1,16 OU), in 1 kg of dry matter of silage has 6,34 MJ (1,14 OU) energy netto for ruminants. This concentration is much higher than in other used green fodders or silages.
The digestable protein content in I kg of dry matter amounts to 160 g in green fodder and to 125 in silage.
Heracleum sosnowskyi plants contain coumarin substances. Same of them demonstrate photosensibilitizing properties. Neither harm full effect on the health conditions of fed animals nor any lowering of milk quality was observed.
The large-scale plantations delivered in 1978-1979 years from 73 thousand MJ netto to 120 thousand MJ netto (or from 12 to 20 thousand OU) and from 1,7 tons to 2,7 tons of digestable protein per hectare. Investigations were undertaken of breeding program in order to select plants of mare rapid initial growth. A method of seedling assessment was used. The breeding is carried out using the individual selection met hod.


Heracleum sosnowskyi

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Cited by

Lutyńska, R. (1980) “Studies on the acclimatization of Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden and its use as a fodder plant”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (139). doi: 10.37317/biul-1980-0009.


Regina Lutyńska 

Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin, Zakład Roślin Pastewnych - Kraków Poland


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