What’s new in Polish agrobiotechnology, A.D. 2015?
Aleksandra Małyska
ibch@ibch.poznan.plInstytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN w Poznaniu (Poland)
Tomasz Twardowski
Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN w Poznaniu (Poland)
Bioeconomy and agrobiotechnology are strictly connected. Many products available on the consumer’s market support this observation. Recent status of legislation in Poland (President Bronisław Komorowski signed on 6th Feb. 2015 the amendment of Polish Statute “About GMO”) in significant degree slows down the development of commercial application of the scientific achievements. Simultaneously the international agreements, like “Nagoya Protocol”, make the international cooperation more difficult.
Supporting Agencies
bioeconomy, agrobiotechnology, legislation, lawReferences
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Tomasz TwardowskiInstytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN w Poznaniu Poland
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