Correlations of the characters determining the seed yield of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.)
Zbigniew Bodzon Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin — Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Radzikowie (Poland)
Phenotypic correlation coefficients of the characters controlling seed yield of birdsfoot trefoil local population K 5 were determined. The following characters were investigated: plant height, main stem number per plant, node number per stem, umbel number per stem, pod number per umbel, seed number per umbel, seed number per pod, seed yield per plant, 1000 seed weight. The characters which had the highest variability were: seed yield per plant, seed number per umbel, umbel number per stem and main stem number per plant. The character which had smallest variability was 1000 seed weight. It was found that seed yield per plant which was positively correlated with the main stem number per plant, umbel number per stem, pod number per umbel, seed number per umbel and seed number per pod, depended upon the main stem number per plant and the umbel number per stem. Variability of these characters determined about 90% of the variability of seed yield. Multiple regression and phenotypic correlations showed that simultaneous selection for increased main stem number per plant and umbel number per stem and seed number per umbel resulted in enhanced seed yield potential.
birdsfoot trefoil, correlations, Lotus corniculatus, multiple regression, seed yieldReferences
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Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin — Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Radzikowie Poland
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