Evaluation of the suitability of selected spring oilseed species for cultivation on reclaimed flotation lime ground
Krzysztof Klimont
k.klimont@ihar.edu.plKrajowe Centrum Roślinnych Zasobów Genowych, IHAR — PIB w Radzikowie (Poland)
Zofia Bulińska-Radomska
Krajowe Centrum Roślinnych Zasobów Genowych, IHAR — PIB w Radzikowie (Poland)
Józef Górka
Kopalnia Siarki „Jeziórko” S.A. w Jeziórku (Poland)
Henryk Woś
Hodowla Roślin Strzelce Sp. z o.o. Grupa IHAR (Poland)
The possibility of the cultivation of spring oil plants on reclaimed ground of post-flotation lime fertilized with sewage sediments was examined. Five species of oilseed plants were evaluated: spring rape variety Heros, white mustard variety Borowska, oilseed flax varieties Oliwin, Szafir and Jantarol, oilseed sunflower varieties Lech and Wielkopolski and spring false flax variety Borowska. Both varieties of sunflower developed best of all tested species and varieties on soilless ground of post flotation lime and thanks to the strong root system were resistant to drought and crusting of the ground. All varieties of flax developed also very well on the substrate, each year they showed very good emergence, formed a compact aligned field, showed little susceptible to lodging and yielded satisfactory. Of Brassicaeae plants, the most useful for the reclamation of the land was a spring rape because of very good and aligned emergence, low tendency to lodging, high exuberance of plants and proper yield of seeds. white mustard and false flax showed slightly less suitability for rehabilitation of these areas and in terms of the evaluated features developed similarly. Sewage sludge, together with growing vegetation affected the accumulation of organic matter of nutrients in the ground, increasing its water holding capacity and lowering the pH. Sedimentary fertilization of soilless ground of post flotation lime affected differentially the content of heavy metals in reclaimed soil and in the plants grown on it.
post-flotation lime, sewage sludge, oilseed plants, reclamation, heavy metals, soil developmentReferences
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Krzysztof Klimontk.klimont@ihar.edu.pl
Krajowe Centrum Roślinnych Zasobów Genowych, IHAR — PIB w Radzikowie Poland
Zofia Bulińska-RadomskaKrajowe Centrum Roślinnych Zasobów Genowych, IHAR — PIB w Radzikowie Poland
Józef GórkaKopalnia Siarki „Jeziórko” S.A. w Jeziórku Poland
Henryk WośHodowla Roślin Strzelce Sp. z o.o. Grupa IHAR Poland
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