Impact of bran addition on selected rheological properties of triticale dough and on characteristics of breads

Anna Fraś
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute (Poland)


Triticale is still used in the food industry to a limited extent, despite many agronomic and nutritional values. The reason is the high amylolytic activity of the grain and the unsatisfactory rheological properties of the dough in comparison to wheat. The aim of the preliminary research was to analyse the physicochemical properties of triticale and to check how the addition of bran to triticale flour will affect the change in the rheological properties of the dough and bread parameters. Material for the study comprised of flour obtained from the grain of two varieties of winter triticale, supplemented with triticale bran (OP) in the amount of 10%, 25% and 50%. All samples were analysed for the falling number value, whereas the rheological parameters of the dough were determined on the basis of farinographic analysis and next the laboratory baking was carried out. The bread obtained was evaluated in terms of volume and textural parameters of the loaves. The addition of OP to triticale flour significantly influenced the change of all the analysed characteristics. The falling number decreased after addition of 25% of OP, while the water absorption of the tested mixtures increased with the increasing share of OP in the range from 55% to 64.6%. Other farinographic parameters also changed, with the greatest differences observed after addition of 25% and 50% of OP. In the case of these two levels of the OP additive, a significant reduction in bread volume in the range from 335 cm3 to 229 cm3 was also observed. Bread baked from pure triticale flour and with the addition of 10% of OP was characterized by the best quality in terms of the shape of the loaf, degree of baking and textural parameters of the crumb. The obtained results confirm the lack of stability of technological parameters between individual varieties of triticale and indicate the need to conduct further research in order to search for factors influencing the formation of these characteristics.


bread volume, bran, bread, triticale, texture

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Cited by

Anna Fraś (2022) “Impact of bran addition on selected rheological properties of triticale dough and on characteristics of breads”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (297/298), pp. 39–43. doi: 10.37317/biul-2022-0006.


Anna Fraś
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute Poland


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