The impact of nitrogen fertilization on the tuber yield and quality of table potato varieties cultivated on medium soil
Michał Kostiw Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin — Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Zakład Nasiennictwa i Ochrony Ziemniaka w Boninie (Poland)
Kazimierz Jabłoński
Politechnika Koszalińska w Koszalinie (Poland)
The study was conducted in the northern region of Poland (Bonin near Koszalin) during years 2008–2010 on medium-heavy soil. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of four doses of nitrogen fertilization (40, 80, 120 and 160 kg N·ha-1) on tuber yield, including total, marketable, large tubers and seed tubers yield classes for three new varieties of table potatoes (Promyk, Tetyda, Wiarus). All of them are classified as mid-early cultivars and all were registered in 2008 into Polish national List of Agricultural Plant Varieties. Fertilizer influence on starch yield and some quality features was also evaluated. The highest yield was observed for variety Tetyda. The average (from all levels of applied fertilizer), total, marketable and large tuber yields were respectively: 55.5, 52.8 and 43.1 t·ha-1 for this variety and were significantly higher than for variety Promyk (respectively: 41.8, 36, 8 and 22.9 t·ha-1) and Wiarus (respectively 41.4; 39.3 and 32.2 t·ha-1). In the class of seed yield (size 30-50 mm) highest yield was produced by variety Promyk. It amounted to an average of 18.4 t·ha-1 and was significantly higher than for Tetyda (12.0 t·ha-1) and Wiarus (8.9 t·ha-1). The lowest yield of starch was observed for variety Promyk (average 5.85 t·ha-1). It was significantly lower than for the variety Tetyda (7.16 t·ha-1) and Wiarus (6.29 t·ha-1). Different doses of nitrogen fertilization were needed by varieties Promyk (113 kg N·ha-1) and Wiarus (127 kg N·ha-1) to produce similar maximum yield of tubers (47.9 t·ha-1). The variety Tetyda needed 133 kg N·ha-1 to produce maximum tuber yield (65 t·ha-1). The dose of nitrogen fertilization had no significant effect on the losses due to evaporation, rot and sprouting (counted together) and the number of tubers with hollow centre.
fertilization N, potato, tuber quality, yieldReferences
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Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin — Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Zakład Nasiennictwa i Ochrony Ziemniaka w Boninie Poland
Kazimierz JabłońskiPolitechnika Koszalińska w Koszalinie Poland
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