Phytotoxic reaction of five potato cultivars to metribuzin applied postemergence. Part I. The influence on tuber yield and its structure
Janusz Urbanowicz Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin — PIB, Zakład Nasiennictwa i Ochrony Ziemniaka w Boninie (Poland)
The phytotoxic effect and influence on tuber yield and its structure of metribuzin applied postemergence on five potato cultivars were studied in Bonin in the years 2005–2008. The sensitivity of cultivars was estimated according to a 9° scale elaborated by the EWRC (European Weed Research Council). On the basis of their reaction, the five cultivars were classified into 5 groups.
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cultivar, metribuzin, potato, phytotoxicity, yieldReferences
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Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin — PIB, Zakład Nasiennictwa i Ochrony Ziemniaka w Boninie Poland
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