The effectiveness of weed control in potato crops under conditions of traditional and simplified soil tillage systems

Krystyna Zarzecka
Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy Roślin, Akademia Podlaska, Siedlce (Poland)

Alicja Baranowska

Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Białej Podlaskiej, Instytut Rolnictwa (Poland)

Marek Gugała

Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy Roślin, Akademia Podlaska, Siedlce (Poland)


The field experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Experimental Station Zawady, belonging to the University of Podlasie in Siedlce. The experimental factors were two tillage systems (traditional and simplified) and seven methods of weed control by herbicides. The investigations were aimed to evaluate the effects of different tillage systems and different herbicide combinations on elimination of weeds in potato crop. The number of weeds both at the beginning of potato vegetation and just before tubers harvest was found to depend on the tillage system, weed control method and weather conditions in the vegetation periods. The higher effectiveness of mechanical and chemical reducing of weed infestation was reached in the plots in which a simplified tillage and mixtures of herbicides, including those with an addition of adjuvant, were applied. No statistically significant effects of the tillage systems and weed control methods used on the height of potato plants were recorded. The marketable yield of tubers largely depended on the tillage system, method of weed control and weather conditions in the years of investigations.


tillage systems, weed control methods, potato, weeding, yield

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Cited by

Zarzecka, K., Baranowska, A. and Gugała, M. (2010) “The effectiveness of weed control in potato crops under conditions of traditional and simplified soil tillage systems”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (255), pp. 67–76. doi: 10.37317/biul-2010-0049.


Krystyna Zarzecka
Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy Roślin, Akademia Podlaska, Siedlce Poland


Alicja Baranowska 

Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Białej Podlaskiej, Instytut Rolnictwa Poland


Marek Gugała 

Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy Roślin, Akademia Podlaska, Siedlce Poland


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