The influence of sowing density and nitrogen application method on yielding and morphological characters of winter triticale cv. Woltario
Bogusława Jaśkiewicz
iung@iung.pulawy.plZakład Uprawy Roślin Zbożowych, Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa — Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Puławach (Poland)
Field experiments with triticale cv. Woltario were conducted in the years 2000–2003 at the Experiment Station Grabów belonging to the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute. The aim of this research was to define influence of the nitrogen application method and sowing density on changes in the number of shoots and green leaves per plant of winter triticale cv. Woltario. Plots were located on a good wheat soil. Sowing densities: 100, 200, 300, 400 grain/ m2 and 3 nitrogen application methods (dose 120 kg N/ha) were applied. Optimal shoot number (4.4) and green leaves number (12) per plant at milky stage were stated under sowing density 200 grain per 1 m2. Under such conditions the highest grain yield of the triticale Woltario variety was harvested. Regression relations between grain yield as well as shoots and leaves number per plant show that we can form grain yield basing on the studied factors.
nitrogen application method, number of leaves, number of shoots, sowing densityReferences
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Bogusława Jaś
Zakład Uprawy Roślin Zbożowych, Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa — Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Puławach Poland
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