Assessment of breeding value of selected inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.)
Janusz Rogacki
janusz.rogacki@hrsmolice.plHodowla Roślin Smolice Sp. z o.o. Grupa IHAR — PIB (Poland)
The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the breeding value of 17 (10 dent and 7 flint) inbred lines of maize based on yield performance of 70 hybrids produced according to North Carolina II design “dent × flint”. Material consisted of lines used in a breeding program 40 years ago and nowadays. Except the line F2, which have been developed in the INRA in France, other lines have been bred in Smolice. Two separate series of comparative trials were carried out: for 70 experimental hybrids and the 17 parental inbred lines in two growing seasons (2005; 2006), and three locations. It has been shown that 40-year-old elite lines have proved to be unsuitable for direct use in the currently run maize breeding program. The values per se of inbred lines are not sufficient to predict the value of quantitative traits of their hybrid offspring. The flint line S61328 obtained the highest score of breeding value, measured by general combining ability, grain yield of the line itself and its earliness per se. The breeding progress of elite inbred lines used in formulas of Smolice’s hybrid varieties registered between 1971–2006 has been estimated on 59.4 kg/year.
breeding progress, heterosis, hubrids yield, inbred lines, Zea maysReferences
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Hodowla Roślin Smolice Sp. z o.o. Grupa IHAR — PIB Poland
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