Breeding progress of winter triticale in years 1982–2012. I. Yield and some of grain characteristics
Franciszek Rudnicki Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy, Katedra Podstaw Produkcji Roślinnej i Doświadczalnictwa (Poland)
Evaluation of the breeding progress of winter triticale in Poland, performed in years 1982–2012, used the data from experiments carried out by the Research Centre for Cultivar Testing in Słupia Wielka. The assessment of progress (correlation and regression), after prior transformation of data was used in statistical analyses. These transformations let to exclude the effects of breeding and environmental impacts from the total of estimated progress. Moreover, the breeding progress of each cultivar of winter triticale was calculated based on the indicator method proposed by Rudnicki (2014). It was found that, in years 1982–2012, yielding of winter triticale increased as a result of the breeding and agronomical progress. Average increase per year was about 1.04 dt∙ha-1, mainly (90.4%) due to gradual breeding progress. Dynamics of the grain yield increase was great (1.95 dt∙ha-1∙year-1) in initial years of the winter triticale breeding in Poland (1982-1990) and decreased in subsequent years. Out of 58 assessed varieties 22 brought the breeding progress in yielding, but as many as 57 varieties brought the useful breeding progress. The useful durability of 48% of assessed varieties was above 5 years. In terms of grain yield, varieties that demonstrated the greatest utility were: ‘Sorento’, ‘Ugo’, ‘Pawo’, ‘Bogo’, ‘Witon’, ‘Presto’, ‘Tewo’, ‘Kazo’, ‘Lamberto’, ‘Tornado’, ‘Moderato’, as well as Tulus’, ‘Algoso’, ‘Fredro’, ‘Pizarro’, ‘Grenado’, ‘Borwo’. The lack of trends in years were discovered in case of grain plumpness of winter triticale over the 30 years of breeding, hence the progress in this feature was slight. The falling number of the flour made from triticale also revealed the lack of progress. The content of total protein in grain showed a little, but significant progress through 1982–2012 and negative correlation with the grain yield in these years (r = -0.71).
breeding progress, cultivar, winter triticaleReferences
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Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy, Katedra Podstaw Produkcji Roślinnej i Doświadczalnictwa Poland
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