Seed potato in Poland: natural, varietal and market conditions
Michał Kostiwład Nasiennictwa i Ochrony Ziemniaka w Boninie, Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin — PIB w Radzikowie (Poland)
In Poland, the changing natural, varietal and market conditions affect the production of seed potatoes. Decreasing potato acreage causes increasing spatial isolation between the plantations of this plant, and in a consequence decreases the number of sources of virus in the environment. The size of seed plantations is growing (concentration of production) and the pressure of certain species of aphid vectors of virus diseases of potato decreases. These changes are favourable for seed production. At the same time the share seed varieties susceptible to viruses increases. They are mostly varieties from foreign breeding companies. This factor makes it difficult to produce seed. An important task is to rebuild the seed potato production in Poland. Among the market factors, to increase the demand for certified seed material is the most important one.
cultivars, seed potato, vaectors, virusesReferences
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Zakład Nasiennictwa i Ochrony Ziemniaka w Boninie, Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin — PIB w Radzikowie Poland
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