Variation of quantitative traits in Polish local grasspea accessions (Lathyrus sativus L.)
Wojciech Rybiński
office@igr.poznan.plInstytut Genetyki Roślin PAN w Poznaniu (Poland)
Jan Bocianowski
Katedra Metod Matematycznych i Statystycznych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu (Poland)
Szymon Dziamba
Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie (Poland)
The field trials were conducted in 2004–2006 in conditions of experimental field of Cerekwica. For experiment 40 accessions (landraces) derived from Podlasie and other regions of West Poland were chosen. The flowering time and eleven quantitative traits connected with yield structure were assessed. Obtained results were analyzed with a use of multivariate statistical method. A two-way analysis of variance (genotypes, years) allowed to detect significant differences between objects concerning pod length and width, seed number per pod as well as weight of 1000 seeds. The genotypes × years interactions had no significant effect on any of the analyzed traits. Analyzed objects presented a broad range of variability in tested traits. In analyzed years of field trials the most promising yield parameters were observed in the first year and at the lower level in the second. Among the 12 estimated traits, for nine traits the highest mean values were observed in the first year, for three in the second one and for none in third year. The second year had the biggest influence on variability of traits. In this year the highest coefficient of variation were obtained for seven traits, for five in first and for none in third year. Flower and seed coat colour, pod and seed shape belong to traits which allowed to distinguish analyzed forms: 1000 seed weight showed a very broad range of variation for analyzed forms. Weight of 1000 seeds showed significant and positive correlation with width of pod and weight of seeds per pod and a negative one with seed number per pod and per plant. The similarity of objects for all traits together on phenotypic level were expressed by Mahalanobis distance. The lowest similarity was observed for accession DZ 2, as compared to DZ: 21; 31; 38; 26; 7; 30, 6; 51; 37. On the basis of Mahalanobis distance we identified pairs of accessions with highest and lowest similarities indicating broad range of phenotypic variability of landraces derived from Podlasie region and another part of West Poland. This allowed an effective selection of most promising genotypes for parental initial material for crosses and improvement of domestic cultivars of grasspea.
Lathyrus sativus, field trials, accessions, multivariate statistic methods, quantitative traitsReferences
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Jan BocianowskiKatedra Metod Matematycznych i Statystycznych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu Poland
Szymon DziambaKatedra Szczegółowej Uprawy, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie Poland
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