Yielding of winter wheat cultivars across environments — one-year multi-environment post-registration trial
Wiesław Mądry
wieslaw_madry@sggw.ed.plKatedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki, SGGW, Warszawa (Poland)
Jakub Paderewski
Katedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki, SGGW, Warszawa (Poland)
Jan Rozbicki
Katedra Agronomii, SGGW, Warszawa (Poland)
Dariusz Gozdowski
Katedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki, SGGW, Warszawa (Poland)
Jan Golba
Katedra Agronomii, SGGW, Warszawa (Poland)
Mariusz Piechociński
Katedra Agronomii, SGGW, Warszawa (Poland)
Marcin Studnicki
Katedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki, SGGW, Warszawa (Poland)
Adriana Derejko
Katedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki, SGGW, Warszawa (Poland)
The aim of the paper is adequate modification and presenting a statistical methodology to assess patterns of cultivar adaptive response to agricultural environments (agro-ecosystems) on the basis of complete Genotype × Crop Management × Location (G×M×L) data obtained from yearly multi-location two-factor trials conducted in a net of post-registration trials (PDOiR), empirical illustration of using and usefulness of this methodology applied to winter wheat grain yield. This statistical technique consists of three procedures, i.e. three-way ANOVA based on a fixed model, AMMI procedure for genotype x location interaction modeling and cluster analysis for classification of cultivar adaptive response described by AMMI-modeled (adjusted) genotype × location means calculated across two crop management intensities (A1 and A2). The considered methodology was an efficient tool to reliable classification of 28 winter wheat cultivars into cultivar groups that exhibited homogenous adaptive response to the environments. Then, it permits to identify cultivars showing wide or specific adaptation. It was revealed that in the season 2008/2009 Polish cultivar Bogatka (bred by DANKO Hodowla Roślin sp. z o.o.) and German cultivar Jenga (bred by Nordsaat Saatzucht¬gesellschaft mbH) showed wide adaptation to the testing environments. The remaining cultivars were locally adapted to some testing environments or some of them were not relatively adapted to the environments because they always yielded substantially below environmental means.
Supporting Agencies
AMMI analysis, cluster analysis, cultivar adaptation, grain yield, post-registration trials, winter wheatReferences
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Wiesław Mądrywieslaw_madry@sggw.ed.pl
Katedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki, SGGW, Warszawa Poland
Jakub PaderewskiKatedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki, SGGW, Warszawa Poland
Jan RozbickiKatedra Agronomii, SGGW, Warszawa Poland
Dariusz GozdowskiKatedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki, SGGW, Warszawa Poland
Jan GolbaKatedra Agronomii, SGGW, Warszawa Poland
Mariusz PiechocińskiKatedra Agronomii, SGGW, Warszawa Poland
Marcin StudnickiKatedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki, SGGW, Warszawa Poland
Adriana DerejkoKatedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki, SGGW, Warszawa Poland
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Copyright (c) 2012 Wiesław Mądry, Jakub Paderewski, Jan Rozbicki, Dariusz Gozdowski, Jan Golba, Mariusz Piechocziński, Marcin Studnicki, Adriana Derejko

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