The determination of optimal start and end dates of potato storage season on the area of Poland
Zbigniew Czerkoład Przechowalnictwa i Przetwórstwa Ziemniaka, IHAR Radzików, Oddział w Jadwisinie (Poland)
The objective of the study was to determine the optimum start and end dates of the potato storage season in various regions of Poland. Three groups of the crop were considered: processing potatoes, requiring the long term storage temperature of 8°C, table potatoes, which require 5°C, and seed potatoes, which require 3°C. The analysis based on meteorological data of air temperature 10-days averages collected for 54 locations during the period of 1979–1998. The results were shown in form of maps. In major part of Poland the optimal conditions for storage of the processing potatoes last between September 20–25 and May 1–5. In the North of the country and in the Kielce region the finishing dates shifted to May 5–15. For the table potatoes, the optimal start dates are on September 20–30 and the end dates range from April 5–10 in the western part of Poland to April 25–30 in the North East. The optimal start dates for storage of seed potatoes vary between September 20 in the East and October 5 in the West. The date of the end of good storage conditions falls in the first decade of April and it coincides with preparation of the seed potatoes to planting.
climate, period of storage, processing, seed potatoes, table potatoesReferences
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Zakład Przechowalnictwa i Przetwórstwa Ziemniaka, IHAR Radzików, Oddział w Jadwisinie Poland
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