Suggestions for changes in the Polish scale used to evaluate the resistance of potato cultivars to potato wart disease according to the EPPO Diagnostic Protocol PM 7/28

Jarosław Przetakiewicz
Pracownia Organizmów Kwarantannowych, Zakład Fitopatologii, Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin, Radzików (Poland)


Over 30 years of evaluating in Poland the resistance of potato to Synchytrium endobioticum by the Glynne-Lemmerzahl method, the resistance scale pattern has evolved to its final version that is acceptable to other Members of EU. In 1980, the first scale focused on the occurrence of sori. This approach allowed to eliminate susceptible breeding lines and recognize resistant lines. However, there was no possibility to discriminate between extremely resistant, resistant and weakly resistant lines. Such a discrimination was possible after developing in 2008 a new scale, based on the necrotic response of the host. This scale however was not understandable for other Members of EU. Moreover, it greatly differed from the scale accepted in the EPPO Diagnostic Protocol PM 7/28. In the Polish scale, 0 (extremely resistant) was followed by IV, III, II/III, II and I, the latter degree meaning extremely susceptible. In the EPPO scale, I (extremely resistant) is followed by 2, 3, 4 and 5, the latter degree indicating extremely susceptible. In 2009, the decision was made on adjusting the Polish scale to the EPPO standards. The modified scale has five degrees: 1 — extremely resistant, 2 — resistant, 3 — weakly resistant, 4 — slightly susceptible, and 5 — extremely susceptible. The cultivars considered as resistant to S. endobioticum under laboratory conditions based on the Glynne-Lemmerzahl method are given 1–3 points.


Synchytrium endobioticum, Solanum tuberosum, Glynne-Lemmerzahl method, potato wart disease, potato

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Cited by

Przetakiewicz, J. (2009) “Suggestions for changes in the Polish scale used to evaluate the resistance of potato cultivars to potato wart disease according to the EPPO Diagnostic Protocol PM 7/28”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (254), pp. 169–177. doi: 10.37317/biul-2009-0015.


Jarosław Przetakiewicz
Pracownia Organizmów Kwarantannowych, Zakład Fitopatologii, Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin, Radzików Poland


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