Variability and correlations between some traits of globe artichoke cultivars (Cynara scolymus L.)
Paweł Nowaczyk
Katedra Genetyki i Hodowli Roślin, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy (Poland)
Marta Orlińska
Katedra Genetyki i Hodowli Roślin, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy (Poland)
Globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) is a species native to the Mediterranean basin and up to now not widely known in Poland because of insufficient low temperatures resistance. At present many new cultivars adapted to different climate conditions are accessible. It brings a better chance for this species diffusion in Poland. The aim of the study was to estimate the earliness of some cultivars, weight of buds and its variability, and to analyze a correlation between earliness and shape of plants. The analyzed material consisted of two Spanish cultivars selected by Agriset (A-106 and A-109 Morada) ant four hybrid cultivars bred by Nunhems (Concerto F1, Harmony F1, Madrigal F1 and Opal F1). The experiment was conducted in field conditions in the years 2005–2007, in Lucim (north-west part of Poland). The following traits were evaluated: number of days from planting to appearance of bud in rosette, main inflorescence stem height, leaves length after main bud harvest and weight of main, first, second, third and auxiliary buds. The earliest first buds harvest was typical for A-109 Morada (about 64 days after planting) and the latest for Concerto F1 (about after 86 days). The highest weight of whole buds at inflorescence stem was noted for Concerto F1 (from 224.8 g for main bud to 40.2 g for third bud) and the lowest for A-109 Morada (from 143.4 g to 28.5 g, respectively). The lowest variability coefficient showed mass of the main buds from 13.2% (A-109 Morada) to 21.7% (Harmony F1) and the highest variability — mass of third buds — from 17.9% (Concerto F1) to 42,9% (Madrigal F1). Significant correlation was observed between number of days from planting to appearance of bud in rosette and stem inflorescence height as well as between leaves length and stem inflorescence height. Although, these correlations were not constant during the three years of the experiment. All the tested cultivars showed acceptable results in field cultivation. The main buds and most of first buds exceeded 100 g, which is a suitable result for fresh market and for processing.
correlation, cultivar earliness, inflorescence bud, variability coefficientReferences
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Paweł NowaczykKatedra Genetyki i Hodowli Roślin, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy Poland
Marta OrlińskaKatedra Genetyki i Hodowli Roślin, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy Poland
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