Procedure for estimation of damage inflicted by wild animals in agricultural crop stands

Marian Flis
Katedra Ekologii i Hodowli Zwierząt Łownych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie (Poland)


In recent years problems related to damage caused by game in agricultural crop stands are becoming more and more pertinent. This situation is related to the fact of increased populations of certain game species and to intensive changes in habitat conditions, both in forest and in agricultural phytocenoses. In potato growing, the basic types of such damage are pocket- and point-type damages to ridges, caused mainly by wild boars. With relation to all damage inflicted by wild animal species included in the list of game animals the responsibility for the damage rests with the leaseholders or with the administrators of hunting districts within the area of occurrence of the damage. It is the duty of the leaseholders or the District Administrators to perform preliminary estimation of the damage within 7 days from filing a damage report by the owner of the damaged crop culture, and then, latest one day before the date of harvest planned by the farmer, the final estimation of the damage. During the final estimation, the level of crop yield loss is determined and the amount of damages due as compensation for the loss is calculated. The amount of damages should be paid to the sufferer within 30 days from the final estimation of the loss.


damage compensation, damage estimation, crop, potato, gave animals

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Cited by

Flis, M. (2008) “Procedure for estimation of damage inflicted by wild animals in agricultural crop stands ”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (248), pp. 117–123. doi: 10.37317/biul-2008-0063.


Marian Flis
Katedra Ekologii i Hodowli Zwierząt Łownych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie Poland


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